Featured Recipe – Speedy Quinoa Salad

Quinoa has become to be known as one of the healthiest grains available in the world.  It is a complete protein, which means that it has all eight of the essential amino acids that our bodies are unable to produce on their own.   The vegetable protein found in quinoa...

Beautiful Body Boot Camp Coming this Summer!

Boot camp may conjure up images of a drill sargeant, grass clippings on your clothing, bugs, being covered in the early morning dew, and just plain overdoing it in the exercise department. Here at the center, we’re taking a different approach with our boot...

Going Deeper

Every once in a while, I get one of those “ah ha!” moments where I understand something about Pilates in a deeper way. And you know, even after 12 years of pilates practice, I find that reviewing the basics really benefits my practice. So I’d like to...

Green Smoothie Guide

Green smoothies are a great way to get in another serving of leafy greens. And good news for those with tender taste buds: the fruity flavors of pineapple, mango, banana or strawberry mask the vegetables, allowing you to consume a healthy dose of spinach, kale and...