free starbucks gift card from the center

The instructors at the center are on a special mission this August and we need your assistance.

How would you like some free coffee?


You see, we’re in the process of bringing technology to our website. We’re making some pretty cool videos of our clients in action.

Would you like to participate? We have six questions to ask you and it will take ten minutes of your time. We’ll film you before or after your Pilates lesson.

And, as our way of saying thanks, we’re giving away Starbucks gift cards.

Be on the lookout for a friendly Pilates instructor (or two) with a Flip camera and a clipboard. We’ll sign you up for a time slot so you can get all fancy for your photo shoot.

This is going to be great and we’re happy to have you be part of our history.

Warm Regards,

Mary Jo