How Eating Before Bedtime Can Boost Your Metabolism

Jill and I met last week and one of the topics we discussed was the importance of eating every 3 – 4 hours to stabilize blood sugar. To my surprise, the Venice Nutrition program advocated eating a small meal about an hour before going to bed. When I heard this...

12 Ways to Think Yourself Slim

Jill Gregory, our amazing Venice Nutrition Consultant, shared a great article with me today. The 12 Ways to Think Slim are great tips for taking care of yourself by taking care of how you approach what, why, and how you eat. My favorite tip is #1: Food is Not a Trophy...

the center Now Offers Cardiovascular Training

Have You Met Our Newest Addition? the center has its very own Elliptical Trainer! Cardiovascular exercise is critical to good health and to finding and maintaining your ideal weight. The President’s Council on Physical Fitness recommends that if you choose...

WORK IT OUT! Get Your Free Lucy Coupon

We have a great deal for you from the folks at Lucy Active wear. Use your free coupon from the center to enjoy 20{80a315e4dd37a71f75f7e4ff992bdaf41eff37bb476f6938f7a39849305fe965} off your entire regular priced purchase, in-store and online at This offer...