Our Philosophy

At the center, we believe that everyone can be strong, powerful and fit, regardless of age or health status.
We are NOT drill sergeants. We prefer to build you up; not break you down. We know when to push and when to back off, and the objective is to offer you a mix of exercises that fit into your overall plan. Pilates is based on lengthening the body. You’ll move in a different fashion than in a typical gym workout. Sometimes you’ll be tired and a little sore afterwards, but never to the extent that you can’t walk down stairs the next day. We aim to keep you and your muscles and joints healthy as your progress.
As a prospective client, we’ll work with you to develop a program that meets your needs, your budget, and which keeps you on the road to success. While the initial outlay for private lessons may seem high, it will be well worth your time and investment. We want you to be successful and we want you to be safe.
We encourage regular communication between you and your instructor as to what’s working and what’s not working, so they can provide tweaks to your program and keep you on track. Over the years we’ve found that regular “check-ins” are the difference between sticking with a program and giving up. We prefer that your needs are met, so that you stay with pilates for the long run. And if it’s time for you to move on to something else, we wish you the best and hope we can still meet you for coffee from time to time.
get ready for a new you
look no further. get started today.
the center is located just north of the chattahoochee river
Convenient to East Cobb, Sandy Springs, Marietta and Roswell
910 Marietta Highway
Suite 220 upstairs
Roswell 30075
Look for us in Paper Mill Village, across from Moxie Burger